
⚔️ Finding Pleasure in Patterns

Week 1: Leylines, lifelines, and horizon lines

Sharpen your style and find joy in wordcraft with bestselling writing expert Helen Sword.

Dear fellow writer,

Welcome to Swordcraft: short, sharp videos for paid subscribers who want to grow their writing practice and hone their wordcraft, one swordsnip at a time.

Today’s episode is the first installment in my newest six-part Swordcraft (or Swordplay?) sequence, Notebooking with Pleasure. Each week for the next six weeks, I’ll introduce you to a core feature of pleasurable writing — patterns, tools, processes, identity, challenge, and balance — and guide you through prompts for exploring those themes through playful note-taking practices.

“Notebooking with Pleasure” runs in parallel with (and draws on material from) the Pleasure Catalyst, my annual online course for writers seeking to reframe their negative emotions about writing and find new paths to pleasure. This six-week course started just a few days ago, bringing together a lively cohort of pleasure-seeking writers from around the world. Come join us — it’s not too late to enroll!

Warm thanks to

, author of the fabulous Substack newsletter Noted, for featuring my notebooks in a recent post, which in turn inspired me to create this series.

Kia pai tō koutou rā (have a great day) — and keep on writing!


P.S. Today’s post is free to all subscribers; next week, this Swordcraft sequence will slip out of sight behind the paywall. Don’t miss out on the fun! You can manage your subscription here.

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Books by WriteSPACE founder Helen Sword

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