Welcome to Helen's Word!
Sharpen your style and find joy in wordcraft with bestselling writing expert Helen Sword.
Welcome, fellow writer!
I’m Helen Sword, a scholar, poet, lifelong teacher, and the author of six research-based books on writing and writers.
I’ve helped thousands of scholarly and professional writers find their voice, tell their story, strut their style, and discover new pleasure in writing — and I’d love to help you, too!
Why subscribe to Helen’s Word?
As a free subscriber, you’ll receive weekly news and inspiration to help you lift your writing game.
As a paid subscriber, you’ll also benefit from:
Weekly short videos on wordcraft to sharpen your style.
Monthly podcasts to listen to when you’re on the move.
Invitations to exclusive workshops and events.
As a WriteSPACE subscriber, you’ll become a full-fledged member of the WriteSPACE, my international membership site for scholarly and professional writers who want to write more productively, stylishly, creatively, and joyfully — or simply more. WriteSPACE members get access to hundreds of premium resources, tools, and events, plus I’ll draw up a personalized Journey Planner to help you find your way.
About me
I’ve been a writer for most of my life and a writer-about-writing for the past several decades. In short, writing is my research area, my vocation, and my passion!
Here’s a photo of me with Freddie, my four-year-old bichon frise, whom you’ll meet in many of my Swordcraft videos. We live in Tamaki Makaurau (Auckland) in Aotearoa New Zealand, a beautiful place to call home.
As a a world-leading expert in academic and professional writing, I bring a unique mix of experience, enthusiasm, and empathy to my work with writers across disciplines, genres, and career stages. I’m a Professor Emeritus of Humanities at the University of Auckland, a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand, the recipient of multiple teaching and research awards, and the author of books published by prestigious scholarly presses including Chicago, Cornell, Harvard, and Princeton. My evidence-based writing workshops, keynotes, and retreats have taken me to well over 100 universities, research institutes, and other organizations around the world and on every continent except Antarctica.
In early 2021, I founded the WriteSPACE, a dynamic online membership site with members in more than 30 countries. You can find out more about me, my writing workshops and retreats, and my thriving WriteSPACE community on my website at www.helensword.com. I’d love to see you there!
Kia pai tō koutou rā (have a great day) – and keep on writing!