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⚔️ Research Bites

My new 6-week Swordcraft series starts next week!

Sharpen your style and find joy in wordcraft with bestselling writing expert Helen Sword.

Dear fellow writer,

Welcome back to Swordcraft, my weekly series of short, sharp videos to help you grow your writing practice and hone your wordcraft, one snippet at a time.

Over the next six weeks, I’ll be serving you half a dozen tasty Research Bites: that is, bite-sized summaries of recent research articles on academic and professional writing. Why are so many academic writers so frustrated, and what can be done about it? Is “Write every day!” really the best advice? What happens when five researchers walk into a wine bar and start talking — really talking — about their different ways of looking at the same data? Find out the answers to all these questions, and more!

Each weekly Research Bite will arrive in your inbox on a Monday or Tuesday, depending on where you live in the world. If you’re a free subscriber to Helen’s Word, you can watch a short preview; but you’ll need to be a paid subscriber or a WriteSPACE member to get access to the full 7-10 minute swordsnip each week.

This series is going to be serious fun. I’d love to see you there!

Kia pai tō koutou rā (have a great day) – and keep on writing!


Write more, right now! Join me and fellow writers from 30+ countries in the WriteSPACE, the ultimate membership site for scholarly and professional writers who aim to lift their writing game. To try free for 30 days, click here and enter the discount code SNEAKPEEK.

Books on writing by Helen Sword

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