Helen's Word
Helen's Word
The Wordcraft Walk

The Wordcraft Walk

Synchronize your stride to match your syntax

Dear fellow writer,

Welcome to Swordswings, my monthly podcast series for writers in motion. These recordings are intended for you to listen to when you’re moving around — which is a great way to get your writing moving as well.

Today’s half-hour walk previews some key material from my upcoming Wordcraft Catalyst (April 6 - May 16), a hands-on course for scholarly and professional writers who want to strengthen their writing muscles by leveraging the secrets of grammar, syntax, and style. Join me for six action-packed weeks of writing workshops, experiments, and prompts, plus a live Writer’s Diet clinic where you can put your prose through a weekly workout. I’d love to see you there!

These podcasts are for paid subscribers to my WriteSPACE community. Members can download the audio files and transcripts of all Swordswings episodes from the Audio section in their WriteSPACE Library.

Write more, right now! Join me and fellow writers from 30+ countries in the WriteSPACE, the ultimate membership site for scholarly and professional writers who aim to lift their writing game. As a member, you’ll get premium access to hundreds of online resources, diagnostic tools, and live events designed to help you sharpen your style, deepen your research impact, and coax your writing gently but firmly out the door. To get your first month of WriteSPACE membership free, click the link below and enter the discount code SNEAKPEEK.

Try free for 30 days

Kia pai tō koutou rā (have a great day) – and keep on writing!


Helen's Word
Helen's Word
Sharpen your style and find joy in wordcraft with bestselling writing expert Helen Sword
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Helen Sword